... and comment upon it, I will.

There is little evidence that the center field has tired of its search for the "Jewish content which makes legitimate a Jewish center." The pursuit of this content within the imposing framework of the center field may be leading to distinguishing practices particularly suited to the American Jewish experience.

These last words are admittedly speculative with little in the study to support them. But no observer of Jewish life can rest his case on the purely factual and scientific. There is a mystique beyond correlations and inferences which has always resulted in a "saving remnant" of Jews. Whether this mystique can preserve Jewish identity in the face of the freedom to assimilate and the attractions of acceptance into the broader community in America will remain for the historian to comment upon.

Melvin B. Mogulof, Ph.D., "Toward the Measurement of Jewish Content in Jewish Community Center Practice," (1964).

It's eerie to hear the past speak directly to you.